Developer guide

As a project we are open to contributions from the wider community to help us add new features. To get up and running as a developer contributing to this plugin, you will need to have a working installation of AiiDA installed on your computer. You should follow the steps to install AiiDA on the following page, but don’t run the pip install of the aiida-gromacs plugin Installation you will also need to have the conda environment activated and the verdi daemon running Start/Stop AiiDA.

Clone the repository

The first step in getting going as a developer is to clone our git repository by either

  1. HTTPS:

    git clone
  2. SSH:

    git clone

Running the tests

To run our test suite, in addition to having AiiDA installed, you should also have the daemon running, which will include the full AiiDA startup steps for the database and an initial user profile to be setup.

The following will discover and run all unit test:

pip install -e .[testing]
pytest -v

Automatic coding style checks

We are implemting automated coding style checks, so that we are all commiting code to similar code quality standards.

Enable enable automatic checks of code sanity and coding style:

pip install -e .[pre-commit]
pre-commit install

After this, the yapf formatter, the pylint linter and the pylint code analyzer will run at every commit.

If you ever need to skip these pre-commit hooks, just use:

git commit -n

Though, for pull requests to be accepted, we will expect these to have been resolved before pulling.

Continuous integration

aiida-gromacs comes with a .github folder that contains continuous integration tests on every commit using GitHub Actions. It will:

  1. run all tests

  2. build the documentation

  3. check coding style and version number (not required to pass by default)

We have these activated on github via the github actions platform. When version numbers are tagged, we will also automatically push a version to pypi.

Building the documentation

  1. Install the docs extra:

    pip install -e .[docs]
  2. Edit the individual documentation pages in:

  3. Use Sphinx to generate the html documentation:

    cd docs

Check the result by opening build/html/index.html in your browser.

Putting it all together

Putting all of the above together into the following install commands:

git clone
cd aiida-gromacs
pip install -e .[docs,pre-commit,testing]
pre-commit install

Will install the plugin from the git repository with all of the above features activated.

Sending code contributions

We will always welcome code contributions for new features, but these should always be via the submission of a pull request. Upon receiving a PR, the CI workflow will automatically run our test suite, buld the docs and run the pre-commit checks. One of the core developers will review the code submitted and make a decision based upon the fit of the PR with the project goals and make an assessment of the quality of the contribution.

We would always recommend reporting problems/bugs via the issue tracker even if you intend to attempt a fix, likewise we would recommend contacting a member of the core team if developing features of your own so they can advise on the direction of the project.

Version Numbering

We will align our version numbering against the AiiDA major series that the plugin release supports. So our first release will be 2.0.0, where the x in x.y.z corresponds to the AiiDA major series that the plugin is supporting. So 2.0.0 will support AiiDA 2.x.x. The remaining two numbers in our versioning will represent major and minor changes to the plugin respectively. A minor release can be expected to be version compatible with no breaking changes, whilst a major release will be expected to cause changes that are breaking in nature.

Happy coding!